Online Real Time Effluent Monitoring System
To Monitor Effluent (Air & Water) as per CPCB Guidelines
The comprehensive monitoring solutions that meets all the
guidelines laid down by the CPCB/PCB.
Parameters Monitored
In addition the regulated parameters for online monitoring
like BOD, COD, TSS, Cr, As, pH & Flow for all the types
of Industries, our sensors are also able to measure parameters
such as TOC, DOC, Turbidity, DO, NH4-N, NO3-N,
AOC, Color , SOx NOx, PM
Flexible Installation Mechanism
Our systems are capable of getting installed via a
Flow-Through / Sampling mechanism where we draw/
pump the sample into the monitoring station or via direct
immersion of the sensors into the sampling medium.
Data Transfer to CPCB/SPCB
- Long term stable and maintenance free
in operation
- Automatic cleaning with compressed air
- Extended warranty on the sensors
- Automatic adaption during matrix change
and removal of interferences such as
Turbidity, TSS, Color etc
- The Analyzer’s accuracy does not have
interference due to Color, Turbidity/TSS
and Chloride, inorganics and changes in
waste water sample matrix
- Low power consumption and ability to run
on Solar Power with supply ranging from
10-30 VDC for solar systems
- Multiple calibration options with unlimited
calibration points
- Facility for Remote Online Calibration
- Easy to operate and maintain, and use
limited reagents, so that it is cost effective